Company Group

Firmengebäude der Firma P. Ries GmbH

The company Ries was founded in Hinwil, Switzerland, in 1980. The change to the legal entity P. Ries GmbH took place in 1986.

In our early years, we were able to supply many different equipment manufacturing companies with our unique high power industrial vacuum & extraction units. Amongst these, were various manufacturers of grinding and cutting machines, as well as manufacturers of specialized machinery, specifically for the packaging and pharmaceutical industries.

These early contacts enabled us to constantly adapt to the specific needs of our customers, and focus on developing and refining various alternatives for industrial vacuum and air suction technology.

In 1988 our first foreign entity was founded in Germany. Due to the successful development of the markets in Germany and the European Union, our daughter company P. Ries GmbH (Germany) was established in 1997 in Heilbronn. For the support of our French speaking customers, Mr. Juergen Mengel headed our agency in Geneva, Switzerland.